A person kneads dough on a wooden table.
BakingRiver Cottage Courses,

Online Course | Sourdough and Wild Yeast Baking with Andy Tyrrell


Wild yeast is all around us, and foraging flour and water to create your own natural starter can be a rewarding journey. With proper care, your sourdough starter will yield delicious loaves for years to come.

Sourdough is a bread with immense character—it’s more than just a loaf. A sourdough loaf stands in stark contrast to what often passes as bread today. It’s the antithesis of the soft, structureless factory loaf that lacks flavor and personality.

In this sourdough bread-making course, you’ll dive into the magical world of sourdough and explore its versatility. Learn to use natural yeasts and levains to create flavourful country loaves, pizzas, baguettes, and brioche.


  • Gather your own wild yeast and create a sourdough starter
  • Improve your kneading and proving techniques
  • Create recipes for sourdough bread, rolls, pizza, and brioche
  • Enhance your bread-making with whole grains, seeds, and nuts