

Soup, Veg

Butternut & Peanut Butter Soup

This might sound like too clever a joke by half, but it’s a really good soup. Peanut (or other nut) butter is a very handy way to add richness and nuttiness to a soup. You can use smooth or crunchy peanut butter, depending on whether you want a silky soup or one with a slightly chunkier texture….

Soup, Veg

Cucumber and Lettuce Vichyssoise

Light, delicate and pretty, this chilled soup – a take on the classic vichyssoise – is a great way to start a summer meal. You can also make a deep green version with spinach instead of the lettuce….

Soup, Veg

Pea and Parsley Soup

Using parsley instead of the more conventional mint gives this summer soup a deeper, slightly less sweet flavour. It’s great hot or cold. I like it garnished with a few whole peas – especially really small and sweet raw ones. If you have some pea shoots, they look beautiful scattered over the finished soup too….

Meat, Soup

Easy Poached Chicken and Garden Soup

Poaching a chicken is easy and provides you with a cooked bird and a delicious liquor that you can use for several meals – the cooked chicken can go to the curry, the salads or the noodle soup. This fine soup makes excellent use of the liquor and as much of the meat as you wish to add. It’s flexible and will welcome whatever seasonal veg are to hand….

Meat, Soup

Homemade Pork Stock

A well-made pork stock is just as good as any beef or chicken stock and it’s something we make all the time in the River Cottage kitchen. It forms the basis of lots of our sauces, reductions, soups and stews. Save all your pork bones – they freeze really well. Roasting the bones before you make your stock will give it a wonderful deep flavour….

Soup, Veg

Garlic and Blue Cheese Parsnip Soup

Pale, smooth, delicately sweet but deeply flavoured, this soup is a perfect winter’s lunch. It was dreamt up by our collaborator Nikki Duffy and she recommends using a creamy, softish blue cheese such as Cornish Blue. Dolcelatte works well too, but avoid Stilton, which usually introduces an unwanted bitter note….

Soup, Veg, Winter

Parsnip and Ginger Soup

Christmas, Soup

Simple Chestnut and Sage Soup

This is a rich and elegant soup with a beguilingly velvety texture. A small portion makes a lovely starter, while a larger serving, with some bread and perhaps a crisp green salad, is a satisfying lunch or supper. You can use pre-cooked chestnuts for this, or fresh, whole chestnuts, blanched, peeled and simmered until tender….

Soup, Summer, Veg, Vegan

River Cotttage Gazpacho

This traditional, chilled Spanish soup is as cooling as they come: the perfect thing to serve on a hot summer’s day or a sultry evening. You can, if you like, press the puréed soup through a sieve to get a really smooth finish – but bear in mind you’ll lose some of the volume if you do this. It goes without saying that the tomatoes need to be full of flavour or you’ll be selling your soup short….

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