Put the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl and combine.
Crumble the yeast into a separate bowl and add the eggs. Mix the two together until the yeast has dissolved. Pour into the flour mix and bring together in the bowl.
Tip onto a dry surface and with the heel of your hand, stretch and tear the dough. This will develop the gluten and make the dough nice and elasticated. Do this for 8-10 mins before placing the dough back into the bowl and covering. Allow to rest for 30mins.
Uncover the bowl and place the dough back onto the table. Start to add the butter a little bit at a time. Use the stretch and tear motion to combine the butter. Each time the butter has cleared, add a little bit more. This will take about 10 mins.
Once it is fully combined, add the chocolate and the orange zest and once again stretch through the dough.
Cover and place in the fridge for up to 4 hours and at least 2 hours
Now you are ready to shape your dough…
Line a tray with parchment paper. Cut your dough into 3 equal pieces and gently coax them into rough balls.
Roll each piece out then roll again tapering the ends to a point. Join 3 ends together, plait and pinch ends together tucking the join under slightly.
Place onto the tray and glaze with a beaten egg before leaving to rise for 2 hours.
Once risen, place into a preheated oven 180*c/Gas 4.
Bake for 25 mins turning once.
Take out allow to cool and enjoy!
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