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Mussels, fennel, chilli and cucumber

We should all eat more mussels. Rope-grown mussels are one of the truly sustainable foods produced in the UK and they are delicious. This is a great way to serve them – you deal with the fiddly shelling as you prepare the salad rather than when you eat them, so you can enjoy them all the more.


Check over the mussels, discarding any that are open and don’t close when tapped.

Heat a large saucepan over a high heat until it starts to smoke. Add the mussels, pour in the cider and immediately put a tight-fitting lid on. Cook for 3 minutes, shaking the pan after 2 minutes. Lift the lid and check that most of the mussels have opened; if not, put the lid back on and cook for a further minute.

Drain the mussels in a sieve over a bowl to catch the juice. Let them cool, then tip into a clean bowl, cover and place in the fridge. Pour the reserved mussel juice through a cloth-lined sieve into a bowl to filter out any bits of shell or grit, then cover and refrigerate.

Quarter the fennel bulb and remove the hard stem base and stalk. Slice from the stalk end as finely as possible and place in a bowl. Quarter the cucumber lengthways and cut into slices the same thickness as the fennel. Add to the bowl with the chilli and lime zest and juice.

Add the mussel juice, then taste and season with pepper and a little salt if needed (the mussel juice will add salt).

Take the mussels from the fridge and discard any that are unopened. Pull the mussels from their shells and stir them through the fennel mix. Roughly tear the basil into the salad and give it a final mix. Have spoons to hand and some sourdough baguette to mop up the delicious liquor.


If you can get some cockles or clams, try using in place of the mussels. You will need twice the amount as the shell to flesh ratio is a lot less than with mussels.

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1kg rope-grown mussels, de-bearded and rinsed under cold running water

350ml dry cider

1 medium fennel bulb

1⁄2 cucumber

1 medium-hot red chilli, deseeded and finely sliced

Finely grated zest and juice of 2 limes

A bunch of basil (50g), leaves picked

This recipe is taken from...

River Cottage Great Salads

Redefine the idea of salad, as playful flavour pairings, clever techniques and vibrant dressings bring out the very best in seasonal produce. Divided into chapters such as Quick, Hearty, Spicy and Lunchbox, these recipes use everyday ingredients, and give plenty of suggestions for seasonal swaps and delicious alternatives.